- September 9, 2019
- Posted by: Medical Center
- Category: General

What Is Home Care Service the system of providing the people having chronic illnesses, bedridden patients and individuals in need of care due to old age with the in-home services with a professional team.
Home care services is a system of providing in-home services to a person with chronic diseases, bedridden and elderly individuals who are having in-home treatment and care, with a professional team.
What is the Difference Between In-Home Health Service and Home Care Service?
In-home health services, is a system that provides multi-disciplinary operation of the treatment and care being provided by the healthcare professionals such as physicians and nurses along with the integrated services such as consultation, imaging and laboratory.
Home care service is a part of such system. Home care service is organized with caregivers. The caregiver who provides home care service may not perform an interventional treatment. The home care services may be provided upon request while the In-home health services are being provided in line with a care-oriented plan.
What is the Purpose of Home Care Services?
The purpose of home care services is to take part as a supportive force in the recovery process of patients, as a partner of the people who are treated and taken care of at home in their safe environments. The quality of patients’ life is enhanced and the support needed for being independent individuals is provided by means of the support being provided by the caregiver personnel during the home care services.
Who Provides Home Care Services?
The personnel who work in association with “In-home health and care services”provide the Home Care services. The home care service is the support provided by the caregivers who have a home caregiver certificate, who have many years of experience in patient care and who have received training to provide patient care in the institutions / hospitals they work.
Home Care Service Periods
Home care service periods may differ depending on the patient/disease and also on the requests of relatives.
- Short term home care service; short term home care caregiver service usually comprises 12 hours -24 hours (daily) periods.
- Long term patient care service; long term home caregiver service is usually planned weekly or monthly for the patients whose treatments continue for a long period of time. Caregivers always remain with the patient in a live-in manner and support the patient care.
What Are the Duties of a Caregiver?
- Duties of in-home caregivers comprise the follow-up of daily vital findings of patients (fever, pulse, respiration, blood pressure),insulin application for diabetes patients and medication administration.
- Supporting the daily life activities of the patient at home, (helpinmg with the patients’ body care, bathing and any type of cleaning, giving the patient a proper position, helping with muscle strengthening exercises, helping the moving patients with dressing, shaving, combing hair, brushing teeth and eating).
- Contributing to the socialization of patient, (planning small walks together at home or outside, repeating the exercises without skipping, listening to music together, playing family games, etc.) providing moral support and motivation.
- Taking protective measures against domestic hazards and providing the patient with necessary support by making recommendations. (Preventing from stumbling on the carpet, keeping an eye for the items that fall down and may pose danger while walking, controlling the slow walking, etc.).
By means of Home care service the relatives can safely entrust their patients to professional caregivers and improve the care and treatment of their patients.
To Which Patients Does Home Care Center Provide Services?
Home Care centers provide care services through caregiver support according to different disease types and disease levels. Patient care is generally provided in order to support the ongoing treatment of the patients who have been treated at the hospital, and sometimes in cases where home care is required.
- Reasons Associated With Old Age
For individuals who have difficulty in meeting their daily personal needs due to old age, home care services may be requested at intervals to be determined (such as daily / weekly / monthly).
- Reasons Associated With Diseases
- Bedridden people having different diseases
- Patients who need care and passive exercise after having orthopedic fractures (hip fractures, etc.)
- Care and passive exercise needs due to neurological diseases (stroke etc.)
- Care and infection monitoring following by-pass operations
- Terminal cancer patients’ care
- Regular follow-up of chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, etc.)
- Supporting both the patient care and the patients’ relatives during the treatment of long-term and rough diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.
- Meeting the needs of relatives
- Most of the time, the relatives do not have control over patient care. Therefore the relatives may receive support from home care services for a while in order to have a command of the details of patient care, to observe and to provide the patient’s comfort.
- Another reason for demanding home care is that the family member cannot devote enough time for patient care and therefore care support is requested from the caregiver.
- Besides, home care services may be requested in order to provide the patient with company in cases where the relatives need to travel for any reason.
- Even if there is a companion or caregiver with the patient/elderly at home, home caregiver service can be provided for the off days of such caregivers.
The Points to be Taken into Consideration When Calling Home Care Center
When there is a need for home care for a family member, there are issues that the family must evaluate when the family is determining the primary need (such as determining what the care should comprise, how long the care period will last, how the coordination will be provided in case of live-in caregiving) and when calling the home care service.
- Is the home care provider licensed and approved by the Ministry of Health?
- Does it have the service capacity and equipment to meet your requests?
- How is the team and the home care center coordination being provided?
- Are they trained, experienced and specialized in caregiver services?
- How is the wage policy determined?
What Do Relatives Expect From Home Care?
- Being able to work with a home care company without compromising on ethical values
- Providing professional approach, planned coordination
- Getting the health care of good quality
- Entrusting patients to professionals who have experience in and knowledge about patient care
- Getting the home care service from people with advanced communication skills who have behaviors that make them feel like family.
Cost Economy of Home Care Services
The increase in the number of individuals with chronic diseases due to increasing elderly population and the use of limited resources against that fact have increased the cost of health care. It is important for the families to distinct the licensed institutions from the unlicensed ones in the market when the matter is in-home health and care services.
Besides, the experience of the caregiver to provide the home care service and the fees required in return must be questioned.