Caregiver Training | Professional Home Health and Home Care Center | Medical Center

Caregiver Training

Medical Center Caregiver Training

If you provide support for all the care needs of your elderly or patient, or you have a caregiver but think that the service is not sufficient, you can benefit from the “Caregiver Training” program of the Medical Center.

There may be times you need to get professional support to meet the social needs of your loved ones during disease and/or old age processes and to follow up health-related problems. Caregiver training is a training where you can find answers to the questions such as what these needs are, how to plan them and from whom the support must be taken. In the decision-making phase, the sustainability of the economic dimension of these services is also important.

Since the public relief is not available for these processes, you can choose to obtain your caregiver needs from non-health institutions such as consultancy companies or individual employees. The problems usually being encountered in caregiver services you will receive from non-health institutions is the lack of knowledge, experience and discipline.

We, as Medical Center, we know that it is difficult to manage these processes and what you are going through. And in these processes, we provide you with professional support for the training of your caregiver.

“Caregiver Education” program provided by our specialist home care nurses can be planned according to the condition of the patient or the elderly, the care needs and your expectations from your caregiver.

How Can We Be of Assistance?

Do you need training on personal or corporate home health and care issues?

Training Program

Caregiver Training,

  • Explaining the basic information about the disease and what the risks may be related to the disease process experienced (aspiration risk, bedsore risk, infection risk, falling risk, etc.),
  • Arrangement of medications, planning and importance of correct medication follow-up,
  • Creating a patient-specific care plan and explaining how to perform the planned care (oral care, hair care, body bath, skin care, etc.),
  • Vital signs follow-up and training (fever, pulse, blood pressure),
  • Nutrition methods suitable for the patient and the points to be considered in nutrition
  • Creating daily life activity plans and movement/exercise methods (such as active-passive movements, positioning if the patient is bedridden, etc.),
  • Establishment and importance of a suitable home environment.

All the topics under these training titles will be presented by our specialist home nurse to your caregiver during the 1st training. The 2nd training, which will be carried out after 15 days, includes the evaluation of your caregiver and your feedback.

On the 2nd visit; the matters such as the implementation of instructions by your caregiver, whether the implementation is sufficient and the caregiver’s competence in this regard are evaluated. If necessary, the training is repeated.

This is a comprehensive education offered to patients and their relatives diagnosed with Alzheimer’s that improves the quality of life.

ALS disease is a neurological muscle disease, and the training comprises the methods of coping with problems and raising awareness of the family.

This is the type of training given in order to increase the service quality of caregivers to whom we entrust a member of our family.


Within the scope of this training, the training support is given particularly with regard to baby care (bathing, massage, nutrition, sleep, room arrangement, etc.)

In-Home Care Training is the best fit for you if you or your relatives provide support for all care needs of your elderly or patient.

Which Training Would You Like to Get?

Choose the health and care training you need and share it with us along with your contact information. Our health training consultants will call you in the shortest time possible.

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