Private Nurse Service
These are the services provided by home care nurses who are specialized in the matters that are specific to the disease being suffered.

Provision of medical and social care to be received by acute, chronic or terminal stage patients from all age groups in their living space by private nurses and follow-up of such home care procedures by a professional health team in the background, as a whole, is referred to as private nurse service. You may receive these services provided by private nurses specialized in the specific issues of the disease of the person in need, for a short term (hourly, daily) or for a long term (weekly, monthly) depending on the requirements.

Who is a Special Nurse?
All of the private nurses who provide tailor-made services are referred to as home care nurses. The home care nurse is a member of a professional healthcare team that covers the health needs of patients, focuses on the patients’ relatives and plans, applies, evaluates and follows-up the standardized services to all patients in their own environments.
Private nurses/Home care nurses are the individuals who are competent in effective communication, evidence based application and clinic decision making skills.
Medical Center’s home care nurses are selected among the graduates of nursing department of Universities and Colleges. The difference of home care nurses from other nurses is that they have the experience required to cover the health needs of a patient in his/her own living environment and also have experience in specialized branches such as intensive care, oncology, neurology and cardiology. Besides, they are healthcare professionals who are capable of adapting to new and up-to-date developments as a result of the in-service trainings they receive continuously.

What is the Difference of Medical Center Private Nurse Service?
As Medical Center, in order to maintain and improve our service quality, the services provided are audited on-site by our physicians and supervisor nurses, and each patient is followed up daily by a separate team.
Improving your and your loved one’s living quality and comfort and providing unconditional patient satisfaction is the essential priority of the Medical Center’s home care nurses.
You may contact us to get information about the private nurse service and fees or you may leave your contact information by filling out the “I want to receive this service” form.
I Want To Get In-Home Private Nurse Service. What Should I Do?
- First of all, you can contact us through our contact number or you may have the home care representative call you by filling out the service request form. Following this process, our home care representative will direct the relevant supervisor nurse to you and initiate the process we have mentioned below.
- The supervisor nurse visits the patient at the hospital or home in order to see and evaluate the patient on-site and also to collect information about your requests.
- The nurse determines the needs of the patient (psychological, physical, social) by evaluating the information provided first by your physician and then by you. In the light of this information, the supervisor nurse determines the details of the practices required be done the patient’s in-home process.
- The supervisor nurse evaluates the suitability of the patient’s living environment for in-home nursing and ensures that the necessary conditions are created or requests for such conditions to be created.
- During the treatment process, whenever necessary, the supervisor nurse provides the set-up of auxiliary medical devices and manages the usage processes of medical devices.
- Upon the recommendations of the primary physician of the patient and of the request of the family, a 12 or 24-hour in-home private nursing service is organized to cover the patient’s health and care needs.
- The private nurse is responsible for carrying out the treatment procedures ordered by the patient’s physician, meeting the social needs of the patient and filling the required forms on regular basis.
- The private nurse informs the patient’s physician about the patient’s condition and on the other hand informs the relatives about the treatment process on a regular basis.
- During the in-home private nursing service , the general condition of the patient and the quality of the service are monitored by a home care physician and supervisor nurses by means of regular visits.

Which Patients Need Private Nursing Services?
- Terminal stage cancer patients,
- Patients connected to a breathing apparatus,
- Patients who are at risk of life and need vital sign follow-up as well as medication administration at any time,
- Patients whose treatment will continue at home,
- Patients who will be discharged to home from intensive care,
- Patients with bed sores need hourly, daily or long-term private nursing service.
What is In-Home Intensive Care Nursing Service?
Patients who have been treated in intensive care unit and whose medical treatment is completed by the physician in the hospital, are discharged upon the evaluation of vital signs and treatment criteria. The holistic structure through which the private nursing services are offered in home environment for 24 hours uninterruptedly by providing all kinds of technical equipment with an experienced intensive care nurse under the supervision of a physician after discharge.
In-home intensive care nurse manages the emotional, social, economic, domestic and environmental effects and the medical treatment of the patient and provides services with a multidisciplinary team (physician, caregiver, physiotherapist, psychologist, etc.).
In cases where patients being discharged from intensive care unit do not receive professional health support in the ongoing process; psychological problems may be encountered along with the primary disease and the patient may return to the intensive care unit as a result of these reasons.
When to Be Discharged from Intensive Care Unit?

- When the patient’s health status is stable, in other words, continues in the same course,
- When the reason for hospitalization in intensive care unit or the health problems that develop with such reason are eliminated,
- When there is no need for a machine and breathing apparatus in the intensive care unit to follow-up the patient.
- When an extra condition due to an infection does not develop, the patient may be discharged from the intensive care unit.
How Should the Patient be Transferred from Intensive Care Unit to Home?
Prior to the in-home follow-up of patients whose treatments are completed in the intensive care unit, home set-up must be made in advance and some special devices to be used at home (eg. Breathing apparatus) must have been tested at the hospital. It is the duty of the home care nurse/private nurse to make necessary preparations before the patient is transferred to home. As a result of the accurate directives to be given by the private nurse, both concerns of patient’s relatives are reduced and the accurate supervision of the whole process is provided by starting the process properly.
What Are the Suitable Conditions for the Continuation of Treatment at Home?
- Determination of the patient room,
- Performing heat and ventilation checks of the room,
- Choosing the right mattress (Organizing an air mattress against the risk of bedsores in the patient)
- Provision of medical devices at home,
- Provision of consumables,
will enable the nursing care team to maintain the treatment process easier. In-home intensive care nursing service, in fact, refers to the continuation of the qualified hospital treatment at home. For this reason, private nurse is the biggest support for the patient’s relatives.
Home Care of the Patients with Tracheostomy
Tracheostomy is a surgical procedure to place a tube into the trachea to keep the airway open constantly. It is usually applied to support the respiration of patients who are treated in intensive care.
In order to provide in-home care for patients with tracheostomy, it is certainly necessary to get support from a competent private nurse who provides medical support. In-home treatment of a patient with tracheostomy requires special nursing knowledge.
Since the incised location is an open tissue, the tracheostomy must be protected against infections, kept clean, and the rash, discharge, and nasty smell situations must be evaluated by a home care nurse, and when necessary, required intervention must be performed upon getting in contact with the relevant physician. The function and care of the tracheostomy tube (cannula) support the treatment. In patients with tracheostomy, the secretions (sputum, discharge) accumulated in the lungs must also be cleaned with an aspiration device. All these procedures are applied with care by a private nurse with intensive care experience.
Which Private Nursing Service Would You Like To Receive? Choose one of the in-home nursing services for yourself or your relative, share it with us along with your contact information. Our health training consultants will call you in the shortest time possible.
Which Nurse Service Would You Like To Get?
Choose one of the home nursing services you need, share it with us with your contact information. Let us call you as soon as possible with our health consultants.