In-Home Elderly Care | Medical Center Home Care Services

Elderly Care at Home

We Don’t Add Years to Life but Life to Years.

Home is our ideal living sphere that is contemplated with family life and children which reflects comfort and ease, creates the feeling of having own sphere and renews the energy. Therefore, most of our elderly prefer to live in their homes that is their living sphere instead of a nursing home or sheltered housing. In-home elderly care processes, it is very important to create a tailor-made care plan before the provision of service in order to determine the needs, to plan the care and to reach the objectives.

The affective disorders that emerge as we grow old, reducing functional capacity based on old age and additionally the chronic diseases may make it necessary for the elderly to get professional support during this period.

Objective of In-Home Elderly Care Services

Our objective is the accurate determination of biological, psychological and social needs of the elderly within the created care plan, betterment of lost functional capacity and re-providing the independence and self-confidence.

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    Determining the Needs for Elderly Care

    We visit your elderly at their homes in order to create a comprehensive and accurate in-home care plan and determine their needs.

    During this first visit we assess;

    • The status of the elderly (health history, physical capacity, capability, nutrition, etc.)
    • The relatives and the individuals who take part in their care
    • The services that are needed and
    • The home environment.

    Creating and Applying the Care Plan

    We arrange our care plan in line with the requirements of your elderly and by your active participation in this process.  In-home care physician, expert nurse and care support personnel are assigned during the conduct of this process.

    Physiotherapists and psychologists may join the team in line with the needs.

    The care support personnel (caregiver) who will spend a long time with your elderly is an important member of the team.

    A caregiver who fits in with your elderly is an important factor in terms of removing his/her negative thoughts against life, providing his active participation in life and socialization, arranging his/her nutrition, regaining the ability of self-care and physical sufficiency.

    The important thing is the accurate choice of caregiver who will fit in with your elderly and the competence of caregiver.

    Therefore we attach importance to the visit to be paid by our expert nurse prior to the start of our in-home elderly care service.

    Elderly Care Process

    Assessment of Elderly Care Process

    Process assessment is carried out by our expert nurse together with the elderly and their relatives throughout the service period.

    The objectives in the care plan are assessed to determine whether they are accomplished or not and the process is restructured if necessary.

    Our entire team that provides service works solution oriented during this process by paying necessary attention to the feedbacks and expectations of the family and relatives.

    The Matters That Require Professional Support During the In-Home Elderly Care Process
    • Bathing assistance: Bathing is an activity that is very private and extremely personal for your elderly. The caregiver must act in line with the habits of your elderly, take all necessary safety measures and provide assistance for personal care and hygiene.
    • Dressing assistance: Suitable clothing must be provided due to loss of function in old ages, the elderly must be encouraged to dress themselves and included in the process by letting them taking their time.
    • Eating: Sufficient amount of food, liquids and mineral must be taken by considering the chronic diseases and the menus must be prepared accordingly. Feeding must be provided in a health and safe manner.
    • Mouth care: Insufficient mouth care may cause respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia as an addition to the discomfort of the elderly. Therefore, regular and conscious mouth care must be carried out.
    • Bowel and bladder control: This matter is quite important for the living comfort and self-respect of the elderly. Required care and attention must be taken since urinary incontinence and fecal soiling cases may cause infections.
    • Sleeping pattern: Disturbed sleep affects the life quality of the elderly, their families and caregivers negatively. Professional support is required to reestablish a regular sleeping pattern.
    • Pain management: The pain felt by the elderly changes all other emotions during the course of life negatively. Pain management must be handled with a professional discipline.
    • Social interaction, movement and meaningful communication: All activities in social life are meaningful for the individuals and for the elderly as long as they reflect the experiences and interests of individuals. Therefore, taking part in meaningful activities makes the elderly feel good and useful.
    • Anxiety and agitation: This situation originates from a stressful environment or thought that is experienced by the elderly and perceived as a threat for themselves and their loved ones. Many cases such as panic attack, depression and confusion may be encountered if such types of affection disorders of the elderly are not managed carefully.
    • Music activities: It is approved in many researches that music has a calming and relaxing effect in case of diseases such as Dementia, Alzheimer’s and depression that are quite common in old ages.
    • Safety of home environment: One of the leading problems encountered during old ages is the risk of falling down. Safety and order of the home environment must be regularly reviewed and necessary measures must be taken in order to avoid all preventable accidents and risks.
    • Moral support: Since a holistic approach is adopted in elderly care, supporting the moral force needed by the individual must be provided.

    Which Care Support Personnel Service Would You Like To Get?

    Choose one of the care support personnel services you need, share it with us with your contact information. Let us call you as soon as possible with our health consultants.

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