In-Home Catheterization | Professional Home Health and Home Care Center | Medical Center

In-Home Catheterization

In-home catheterization service is placing and removing the urethral catheter at home for the patients having an ongoing treatment at home.

Catheterization is a medical intervention on the bladder that is performed by a specialist physician or a nurse during the treatment of some diseases. It is nurses who perform the catheter placement/removal procedures during the treatment process of the patient in the hospital.

Application of catheter placement/removal at home, however, is a procedure performed by specialist nurses within the scope of interventional services of home health and care services to the patients whose treatment is completed in the hospital but continues at home.

In-Home Catheterization

In-home catheterization is a method performed by the home care nurse in case of need while the patient’s home treatment continues. The physician must first request and the catheterization process must be included to the treatment plan for the in-home catheterization to be performed.

How to Perform In-Home Catheterization?

In-home catheterization criteria of home care and health services are as follows.

  • In order to have an in-home catheterization performed, detailed information is collected from the patients/patients’ relatives who contact us through the call center of Medical Center home care center by dialing +90 216 363 0 363.
  • Is the service requested for the replacement of an existing catheter? Or is the request for catheterization being made for the first time? In case of catheterizations for the first time, the information is obtained about why the physician requested a catheterization.
  • Considering the privacy and demand of the patient, a female or male nurse gets assigned for the performance of catheterization by taking the privacy and demand of the patient into catheterization. The appointment is scheduled for an appropriate date and time.
  • The home care nurse brings with her all sterile and disposable materials required for the procedure when she arrives for in-home catheterization.
  • “Informed Consent Form” is received from the patient and/or patient’s relatives.
  • Experienced and trained nurses perform in-home catheterization. The patient is initially provided with information regarding the procedure to be performed. Afterwards, the patient is brought into the position required during the procedure. The patient’s genital area cleaning is performed. When the sterile conditions are completed, catheterization is performed at home.
  • It is checked whether the urine comes into the collection bag at the outer end of the urinary catheter tube that is placed into the bladder. The urine flow is confirmed.
  • In-home catheterization procedure takes about 10 minutes. During the procedure, the patient may feel a slight pain.
  • The collection bag is fixed next to the patient’s bed. If the patient leaves the bed, it can be held in the hand or fixed to the body. This way, patients can simply continue their daily lives.
  • After in-home catheterization, a burning feeling may occur for a while in the urinary tract due to the irritation that may occur during the catheterization. It is a normal condition until the patient gets used to it and does not require any intervention.
How can we help you?

Choose the nurse service you need, share it with us with your contact information. Let us call you as soon as possible with our expert healthcare managers.

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    What is a Urinary Catheterization

    What is a Urinary Catheterization?

    A urinary catheterization is the process of collecting urine by placing a catheter into the bladder of patients who cannot empty their bladder naturally for any reason. The urine collected through the placed catheter accumulates in the collection bag and then the bag gets emptied.

    When is a Urinary Catheterization Required? / Why a Urinary Catheter is Used?

    • Catheterization is applied to people who can urinate little or cannot urinate at all due to prostate enlargement, or who cannot fully empty their bladder despite frequent urination.
    • A urinary catheter is placed in cases where the patient cannot or should not get up after a surgical operation and injuries.
    • In nerve diseases such as spinal cord injuries, urinary catheterization is applied due to functional disorders in the urinary bladder.
    • Catheterization can also be applied as a part of some diagnosis and treatment methods and imaging tests.

    Advantages of In-Home Catheterization Service

    • Since in-home catheterization service can be performed in the patient’s home environment, it is a service provided without discomforting the patient.
    • The effort and time required for the patient’s and the patient’s relatives’ transfer to the hospital are prevented.
    • It provides the patient and patient’s relatives with both health service and moral support.
    • Patient’s privacy is protected.
    • With the in home catheterization service provided by the home health and care services, the patient receives an accurate service from a professional institution specialized in a particular field.

    In-Home Catheterization Procedure and Points to be Considered After Implementation

    Some undesirable situations may occur during or after the in-home catheterization service. Families must be informed about such situations are and the ways to follow when they are encountered.

    • During the catheterization procedure, the home care nurse must work in a sterile manner, do the perineum cleaning well, and never touch non-sterile materials after wearing sterile gloves.
    • If the urinary catheter will be remain for a long time, silicone urinary catheters must definitely be preferred.
    • The preferred silicone catheter size must be suitable for the patient. Small size silicone catheters may cause urine leakage, and large size silicone catheters may be uncomfortable for the patient.
    • The placed urinary catheter cannot be removed easily. However, if the patient pulls out, irritation, bleeding and pain may occur. The catheter needs to be replaced.
    • The collection bag can be blocked. In such case, the catheter must be washed, and it must be replaced by a nurse if it cannot be unclogged.
    • As with all medical or applied treatments performed on the patient, there is a risk of infection due to catheterization. For this reason, the care of the placed catheter must be done very well and urine analysis must be done in certain periods.
    • In some patients, weaknesses that may occur in the muscles due to the catheter placed for a long time may cause loss of function in the bladder.
    • In cases where the urinary catheter must be attached continuously, the catheter must be changed at least once in every 45 days.
    Catheter Follow-up by Families is Important

    After the catheter is placed by the home care nurse, there are issues that families must pay attention to during daily operation.

    • If there is a change in the structure and color of the urine accumulated in the catheter bag,
    • If there is a discharge having a nasty smell coming from the catheter,
    • If there is abdominal pain,
    • If the patient experiences changes in the general picture such as nausea, vomiting, fever or shivering,
    • If urine leaks from a part of the catheter,
    • If the patient feels as if he has urine constantly, even though the collection bag is not filling, the home care teams must be informed and asked to intervene.


    • The amount of urine in the collection bag must be checked and the bag must be emptied regularly.
    • It must be ensured that the bladder is below the waist level of the patient’s body. If the patient is in bed, it must be hung down.
    • Care must be taken not to bend the collection bag. The bent collection bag will prevent urine discharge.

    Removing the Urine Catheter

    When the need of the patient having an in-home catheterization is ceased and the catheter needs to be removed, the home care nurse comes home and removes the catheter by ensuring all sterile conditions. This process is easily done and takes a short time.

    Which Nurse Service Would You Like To Get?

    Choose one of the home nursing services you need, share it with us with your contact information. Let us call you as soon as possible with our health consultants.

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