Caregiver Services | Medical Center Home Care

Caregiver Service (12 Hours or 24 Hours)

In-home caregivers are the persons who support your patients’ daily life activities and meet their social needs during the hospital or home process.

Medical Center staff caregivers are the personnel who have a certificate, a hospital and home service experience of at least 5 years and they receive regular in-service trainings and regular health checks.

Our In-Home Caregiver Staff are responsible for supporting the daily life activities of patients in hospitals and/or in their homes, meeting their social needs and taking protective measures.

In case of care support personnel requests; our Care Services Manager visits you prior to the provision of service. He makes the necessary assessment about the health status of your patient, determines your needs, and prepares a special caregiver plan for you and directs the most appropriate and competent care support staff (caregiver).

During the service; The Care Services Manager evaluates all the data obtained in the daily case meeting attended also by the specialist physician. In the light of this information and evaluations, the caregivers are informed with regard to the needs of your patient and the care is provided in the most accurate way. Also, the Care Services Manager visits your home to check the service at least once a week, by taking into account the need for a caregiver and the patient’s dependence level.

Our personnel in the caregiver service team may not apply interventional treatment. If an interventional treatment is required, it must be performed by a nurse. Medical Center will make the necessary organization in case you need it.

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    Which Care Support Personnel Service Would You Like To Get?

    Choose one of the care support personnel services you need, share it with us with your contact information. Let us call you as soon as possible with our health consultants.

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