Zehra Kuş | Professional Home Health and Home Care Center | Medical Center

Zehra KuşHuman Resources Consultant

zehra kuş Human Resources Consultant
Areas of Expertise
  • She started her business life at IK USSU Training and Consultancy Company as Human Resources Consultant.
  • She provided consultancy services to the corporate companies carrying out activities in education, health, manufacturing, legal and food sectors for the establishment of Human Resources System.
  • She provided trainings for recruitment process and interview methods. Zehra Kuş, who has attended many seminars regarding personal development, also bears a professional life coach certificate.
  • She completed her undergraduate education in the Business department of Zonguldak Karaelmas University in 2013.

She has been continuing her career at Medical Center Home Health Care as Human Resources Specialist as of 2016.

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    If you need assistance or have questions, contact Medical Center | Home Care support team.

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