In-Home Nursing Prices | Professional Home Health and Home Care Center | Medical Center

In-Home Nursing Prices

What In-Home Nursing Prices Service?

In-home nursing service, is provided with a professional team by the In-home health and care services, whereas such team comprises various nursery groups such as intensive care nurse, neonatal nurse, oncology nurse and geriatrics nurse.

How Long is The In-Home Nursing Service Should be Provided?

The provision term of in-home nursing service is decided in accordance with the health condition and needs of the patient. In-home nursing practice can be provided; hourly, daily for 12 hours /24 hours, weekly or monthly.

Training of In-Home Nurses and Patient Care Competence

The nurses working in in-home care services are employed by considering various criteria during the recruitment phase such as vocational training, university and post-graduate education, time spent in the profession, experience, branches, patient experience they gained at healthcare institutions and communication skills. Besides, in-service training of our nurses continues on regular basis after they are employed. Therefore, the nurses providing in-home services are competent and expert professionals in their respective fields. No one, except for nurses and the professionals who have medical training, is entitled to perform medical intervention and medical practice.

What Should The Relatives Pay Attention When Looking for In-Home Nursing Service?

 The Health Ministry License of the institution who will be providing the in-home care and health service must be questioned. The relatives seek nurse support from their immediate circle while they go through the professional health institutions providing nursing services. The most important criteria to be considered at this point is to confirm whether the in-home care and health company providing in-home nursing service is licensed by the Ministry of Health.

♣ The criteria such as the references of the service provider company in the sector, their in-home care experiences and the competence of tehir nurses must be evaluated before the provision of services.

♣ For in-home nursing service, a written protocol must be prepared between the institution and the relatives, whereas the details of the nursing services to which the families can entrust relatives should be clearly indicated and a mutual agreement should be reached. In this way, the institution that will provide in-home care and health services undertakes all the responsibility of the nurse and thus the service quality.

In-Home Nursing Prices

The prices of in-home nursing services may vary depending on the period of treatment, details of service and the internal structure of the institution that provides the in-home health service.

Since the period of treatment and the in-home nursing service is planned for 12 hours, 24 hours, daily, weekly or monthly in accordance with the demand, the prices may vary accordingly.

Details of health service; An in-home nursing service to be provided after a chronic or orthopedic discomfort and the contents of an in-home treatment to be provided for a patient following the intensive care period are quite different and detailed. Therefore, this criteria differentiates nursing fees.

Additional Services; The extra items to be added to the in-home nursing service will change the price. Such as the medical examinations by various branch physicians, laboratory and radiology services, physical therapy, device organizations that may be added to daily health care.

Competence of nurses; The most important criteria in in-home nursing service is the competence of nurse in health services. Nursing education, experience, communication with the patient and humanitarian approach lead to differences in nursing fees.

The in-home nursing service fees charged for private home care and health services that are licensed by the Ministry of Health may vary according to such criteria and the average 12-hours home nursing fee varies between 400- 700 TRY.
