Who is Derya Tuna? | Operations Manager | Professional Home Health and Home Care Center | Medical Center

Derya Tuna

Operations Manager Derya Tuna

derya tuna

Derya Tuna, who got graduated from the Faculty of Health Sciences of 19 Mayıs University in 2005, worked for İstanbul Provincial Ambulance Services between 2005 and 2010, whereas she organized first aid trainings in numerous private education institutions.

She has been performing her duties as the Operations Manager in Medical Center Home Health Care since 2010.

Derya Tuna, who took part in the Administrative Board of Home Care Association in 2012 and followed the developments in the field, is currently participating in the activities of the association for the high-class home care and home health services in Turkey to be rendered in an efficient and reliable manner.

She also shared her experiences regarding “Home Care in Turkey” as an active participant of the EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities) conference that was organized in Istanbul in 2013. She has made representations in 2014 with regard to the documentation and reporting of the services rendered within the scope of the social responsibility project “Yaşamak Yetmez Yaşatmak da Lazım”.

She provided training support regarding the Patient and Employee Safety within the scope of “Home Health Program” that was aimed at government employees and organized by Directorate of Public Health of Istanbul in 2015. According to Derya Tuna, the success of Medical Center is bound to a disciplined and devoted team, an innovative and visionary management and professional and compassionate service attendants.
