Disease Management | Professional Home Care Services | Medical Center

Disease Management

Don’t let the disease take control of you, you take control of our disease with the disease management.

Disease Management

Disease Management

This is a system developed for the follow-up of the chronic diseases within which the healthcare services and required communication are coordinated, and at the same time the patient is required to assume his/her own care.

When the threat of chronic diseases on human life, the way they reduce life quality and the costs required for the treatment of such diseases are taken into consideration, the disease management programs (patient support programs) developed for fighting with them gain great importance.

Disease Management

According to the World Healt Organization data, 60% of all deaths are caused by chronic diseases. Besides in almost all countries, including Turkey, 75% of the health expenses are made for the chronic diseases. According to the recent studies, approximately 24 million people in Turkey suffer from chronic diseases. The distribution of these 24 million people according to chronic diseases is as follows;

  • Hypertension: 15 million people
  • Diabetes: 4 million people
  • COPD 3 million people
  • Cardiovascular diseases: 2 million people

Potential side effects of the diseases can be avoided or delayed by means of Patient Support Programs. The objective of this service offered with “Don’t let the disease take control of you, but you take control of the diseases” approach is ensuring the individual to continue living healthy despite the disease.

Medical Center Patient Support Programs

Disease management (Patient Support Programs) are carried out by using evidence based guidelines. The program contents are created by taking the patient and physician requirements into consideration and the services are rendered by the experienced healthcare staff of Medical Center. The patients are informed about the visit programs and the active participation of patience in the process is provided. The objective and manner of presentation of the service is shared regularly with the patient and with the physician whereas the expectations and patient feedbacks are reported on regular basis.

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    The data collected at the center with technological infrastructure are notified to the respective units by adhering to the patient rights and codes of conduct.  These reports make great contribution to the strategy setting and positioning studies of the institutions. Disease management supports and improves the service provision processes in order to reach better healthcare results in a more efficient manner. Thus, better clinic results are obtained, healthcare expenses are reduced and a better management is provided.

    Don’t let the disease to take control of you, you take control of your disease

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